
Who needs Data Center Services?

Who needs Data Center Services?

In the modern world, information is of great value, because it plays an important role in the activities of many well-known companies. The amount of data itself is constantly growing and reaches enormous levels, forcing specialists to look for effective solutions that will transform the experience gained into the improvement of daily work. It is expected that by 2025 the amount of data will exceed 175 zettabytes, and data centers will continue to play a vital role in receiving, calculating, storing, and managing information.

The modern equipment in data centers

More information about this is here:

In the imagination of many people, a data center is a huge holistic mechanism, but in fact, various technical elements are used to process information: from routers to servers and data storage systems. All of them perform a specific function, so each individual component is needed by specialists to control and manage indispensable systems. The key factors in IT are reliability, performance, security, and continuous progress. If a data center meets all these criteria, it can be considered effective.

Do you require data center services?

There are companies that will simply be enough to use the usual hosting and software. However, there are companies which value high quality and connection speed, data integrity, and last but not least—security. In the first case, the business processes will be greatly slowed down. To the rescue comes the placement of servers in the data center. This will be useful for large corporations, banks, healthcare organizations, and any other organizations that work with large amounts of data and their security.

Also, data center services will be needed by companies that want to save budgets. After all, if all corporate servers will be stored in the office, then it will be necessary to take into account

  • stability and possible power outages;
  • search for qualified personnel;
  • appropriate temperature conditions of the room;
  • protection of the premises from possible fire threats;
  • the need to independently update software and hardware equipment;
  • costs associated with maintaining the necessary conditions for the operation of servers.

Companies that need the physical protection of servers can also rely on the professionalism of the data center. Many data processing and storage centers provide this detail to the smallest detail. So, your servers will be under round-the-clock surveillance by video cameras. To get access to them, a specialist will need to pass all the checks and get a special pass.

How to choose a data center?

At first, glance, finding the right data center is problematic, but if you follow the clear four steps provided by the PrivateProxy team, you will decide on the right option. When choosing, you should pay attention to:

Tier standards.

This certificate is responsible for the reliability of communication. There are only 4 ranks:

  • Tier 1 – ordinary technical infrastructure without any additional resources and redundancy. The total number of downtime hours can be about 27 hours.
  • Tier 2 – the data center does not have a full redundancy process, but at the same time it will have elements for stable power supply and cooling of the premises. The total number of downtime hours per year can be up to 22 hours.
  • Tier 3 – data center has several channels for rational separation of cooling, power supply, and redundancy systems. The total number of downtime hours per year can be no more than 2 hours.
  • Tier 4 – the data center has double redundancy and countless options for working with the load and cooling of all components. During the year, the downtime is no more than half an hour.

Power supply and cooling of the equipment

If you work with a non-standard configuration of server equipment, then this item will be important for you. Consider:

  • additional power sources for uninterrupted operation;
  • protective circuits;
  • how the cooling systems work;
  • availability of additional cooling systems.

Data center location

Your choice of data center location should depend on your needs and the likelihood that you will visit the servers from time to time. If this is planned, it is better to choose a data center closer to the office. If it does not matter, you can consider data centers in other countries.

Availability of a trial period

Certain data center services require a trial period. This helps to assess the quality of service, technical support, and response to any problems on the part of the provider and the data center itself.

How much does a data center cost?

The cost of a data center and any of its services strongly depends on:

  • the selected service;
  • the amount of equipment;
  • configuration of servers and other equipment during the lease;
  • characteristics of the data center;
  • additional services, such as administration and monitoring.

Having collected all the information, we calculate the final amount. You only have to decide between monthly payment or prepayment.

The data center is an opportunity to facilitate the work of employees and save on the budget. Contact us, and we will select the optimal data center for your tasks and needs.

As for the basic infrastructure, it is only an addition to the technical equipment, but the data center cannot fully function without several additional facilities that support the hardware and software. We are talking about permanent power sources, ventilation and cooling systems, as well as additional generators. All these devices require a lot of space, so sometimes entire rooms are allocated for simple maintenance.

However, data centers have become more secure than before. But in search of promising solutions, some tech giants say they are exploring how artificial intelligence can be applied to prevent security problems. For example, an AI system has now been developed that analyzes data from a number of sources and generates alerts for data center construction and operations teams to “prevent or mitigate the impact of security incidents.” An additional but related system also under development attempts to identify and predict impacts on data center construction schedules.